jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Expositive text

Creatures clone selves in face to danger

During a scientific experiment, in which creatures were placed in different situations, different groups of sand dollar larvae, the first of the groups stayed in a safe place, meanwhile, the other group stayed exposed to possible predators. Scientists discovered that the group that was exposed to danger reacted forming embryos genetically equal to them, with the unique difference that these were smaller than the original creature. The scientists concluded that this reaction it’s possibly a response from creatures that cloning themselves, when they are in danger, to guarantee to survival of his genetic information and a reason of it’s the size of the clone, being this smaller it’s most difficult to be captured by the predators because they are less visible.

The previous text is the information that provides the article named “creatures clone selves in face danger” by Clara Moskowitz; clearly is an expositive text; by means of the text the scientists try to explain their experiments and make it comprehensible, to the readers, the obtained results.

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