jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Technological English

This semester, the English III course has been very different than previous English courses. Lisette Lunar, our teacher, has implemented new forms to make a little more pleasant the learning process.

First, the use of the internet, next the use of applications like Blogger and platforms like Modulo 7, furthermore, the use of resources like forums, blogs and mails to do homework and exercises giving us the opportunity to see the execution of the language in different areas of life.

Another important thing was the classes distributed in another environment different from the traditional classrooms, the opportunity to receive classes in internet labs was really helpful to obtain better results in the improving of our skills to write, to speak and understand the English.

1 comentario:

Lisette dijo...

Your progress has been extraordinary....I am pleased to see how hard your worked and achieved all the goals.
Prof Lisette Lunar